Virgin Cider Mojito

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Top Rated Recipe

Chef Rakesh Sethi

Last Updated: Sep 05, 2019

Virgin Cider Mojito

About Virgin Cider Mojito

Table of Contents

Non-alcoholic mojito made with apple juice

  • Clear apple juice 200 mls
  • Apple 8 slices
  • Lemons 4
  • Fresh mint leaves 32 to 40
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  • For each portion, cut 1 lemon into the small pieces and put them in a glass. Add 8-10 mint leaves, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tsps brown sugar and muddle with a muddler.
  • Put 1 cup crushed ice, 2 apple slices and 1 lemon slice in a tall glass, pour 50 ml aerated lemon drink and mix.
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  • Clear apple juice 200 mls
  • Apple 8 slices
  • Lemons 4
  • Fresh mint leaves 32 to 40
  • Lemon juice 4 tbsps
  • Light brown sugar 8 tsps
  • Crushed ice 4 cups
  • Lemon 4 slices
  • Aerated lemon drink 200 mls

How to Make Virgin Cider Mojito (Stepwise Photos)


  1. For each portion, cut 1 lemon into the small pieces and put them in a glass. Add 8-10 mint leaves, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tsps brown sugar and muddle with a muddler.
  2. Put 1 cup crushed ice, 2 apple slices and 1 lemon slice in a tall glass, pour 50 ml aerated lemon drink and mix.
  3. Top with 50 ml clear apple juice and serve garnished with a lemon slice.
  4. Make 3 more portions in the same way and serve.

Additional Tips and Tricks

About chef

Chef Rakesh Sethi

Chef Rakesh Sethi

Chef RAKESH SETHIĀ host of the show Tea TimeĀ on FOODFOOD Channel

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Key Details:

Prep:20 minutes

Cook time: 0 minutes

Difficulty Level: Easy

Course: Beverage

Cuisine: Punjabi

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